Hey there!

We would love to welcome you to one of our Playgroups that take place throughout

the week onsite at Citipointe Church Brisbane.

We run two groups - Playgroup Social & Playgroup Social Junior.


Playgroup Social Jnr. runs fortnightly at the small toddler playground outside Rivers Cafe.

This group is for our juniors which is children from birth up to 2 years old. 

Held fortnightly on Wednesdays from 9:30am.

Playgroup Social runs weekly during term time and is held at our big Church playground.

This group is for any age (up to school age) and includes more activities for the kids to play while the Mums chat!

Held weekly on Wednesdays (term time) from 9am.


Both of our groups are focussed on connection for both Mums and kids, so we take a pretty casual approach! Anyone is welcome and we can't wait to meet you! Fill in the below form and our team will be in touch with more details.


Location Address: 322 Wecker Road, Carindale (Citipointe Church Playground & Toddler Playground)

Amenities include a fully fenced playground, Cafe, onsite free parking, and toilets.

Wet Weather: We have indoor kid's rooms with play equipment for days when there is wet weather.



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